CSCI 150: Introduction to Digital and Computer System Design

Summer 2024 (S2), CC

Mon/Thur 18:00-20:25
Office Hour
Wed 14:00-16:00, RM-544
Please let me know if you are coming
Other times will require appointments
Week 8, Thursday

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of digital logic design, and the function and use of typical digital components belonging primarily to the small and medium scale integration (SSI, MSI) families. The design principles will be used to develop an understanding of how the functional capabilities can be provided by hardware for the operation of a microprocessor. In addition, this course will introduce the student to machine language, its relationship to the design of a computer, and its symbolic representation as assembly language. The assembly language of a particular CPU will be used to illustrate machine language programming concepts. An interactive logic simulation environment for designing and testing logic circuit design will be used for the assignments.

In-Person Examination Policy

All exams are in-person, and handwritten ONLY. You should bring a pen/pencil and ruler for circuit drawing by hand. All circuit diagrams must be drawn using the ruler.

You can bring one A4 or US Letter sized cheat sheet, it can only be one-sided for the midterm (double for final) and completely handwritten. Prints are not allowed. You should hand in the cheat sheet with your answers.

Textbook and References

  • Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 5th edition, M. Morris Mano, Charles R. Kime, Tom Martin, Pearson, 2016 (4th edition is also OK)
  • *LogicWorks5, Capilano Computing Systems Ltd, Addison-Wesley, Manual & software used for digital hardware simulation

Mano et al. is mandatory. We are only using the LogicWorks 5 software provided with the second book, the book itself is not mandatory.

To run LogicWorks on macOS, I recommend either PlayOnMac or virtual machines. For Linux users, Wine is probably good enough.

Video lectures

Assignments and Labs

Equation writing:

  • Lab 1: due 02 June 2024 23:59
  • Lab 2: due 16 June 2024 23:59
  • Lab 3: due 21 July 2024 23:59
  • Lab 4: due 04 Aug 2024 23:59

Policy for Late/Re-submission: unless with my prior consent, will not be allowed. I can give you one unconditional late submission/resubmission for up to 7 days from the original due date, but only once. Outside of this, here is a list of NOT-GONNA-WORK excuses:

  1. I have to work / I forgot;
  2. I have too many courses;
  3. I am travelling;
  4. I am not happy with my grade;
  5. My mum doesn’t want me to study.

Policy for Plagiarism in Labs: do not share your files with others. Do not let others copy or mimic your files. You may take inspiration, but any work you do must be original. Failure to comply will result in plagiarism charges.

Slides and Curriculum

Please note that you should NEVER use these slides as your only study material. It should be accompanied by either your notes or the actual textbook.

Handout: Binary Identities (HS401)

LaTeX Equation writing:

Week 1
Introduction (LS0);
Lec 1 Digital Information Representations (LS1, LS2, LS3)
Week 2
Lec 2 Combinational Logic Circuits (LS4, LS5);
Link to LogicWorks on Moodle
Assignment 1 due;
Week 3
Lec 2 Combinational Logic Circuits (LS6, LS7)
No class on Monday (Victoria Day)
Quiz 1;
Week 4
Lec 2 Combinational Logic Circuits (LS8)
Assignment 2 due;
Lab 1 due;
Week 5
Lec 3 Combinational Logic Design (LS9, LS10)Quiz 2;
Week 6
Lec 3 Combinational Logic Design (LS11, LS12)Assignment 3 due;
Lab 2 due;
Week 7
Lec 3 Combinational Logic Design (LS13, LS14, LS15, LS16)Quiz 3
Week 8
Review for Midterm (LS17, LS18)Midterm (Mock1, Mock2)
Week 9
Lec 4 Sequential Circuits (LS19, LS20)
No class on Monday (Canada Day)
Week 10
Lec 4 Sequential Circuits (LS21, LS22)
Week 11
Lec 4 Sequential Circuits (LS23, LS24)Lab 3 due;
Assignment 4 due;
Week 12
Lec 5 Registers (LS26, LS27, LS28)Quiz 4
Week 13
Lec 5 Registers (LS29, LS30)
Review (LS31)
Lab 4 due;
Week 14
Final (Mock)



You may attempt assignments as many times you want, I will take the highest score as your final attempt.

If you get 90% in the final, you automatically get A+ for the whole course regardless of any other.

Additionally, you will need to get at least 50% in the Final, and 50% in Labs to pass.

* New Option: Instead of doing the final exam, you may choose to do a project. I can accept 3 students every semester, you need to have very satisfactory grade in labs first. Talk to me after you’ve submitted your Lab 3 to enter.

Cheating and Plagiarism Policy

I expect all students to uphold the principle of academic honesty. Cheating and plagiarism (presenting another person’s words or ideas as one’s own) are not acceptable behaviour at anywhere. Depending on the severity of the offence such acts can result in a grade of zero on the test or assignment, a failing grade (F) in the course, or expulsion. In all cases, the circumstances and the penalty are recorded in the student’s file.

Starting from 2024, all submissions will be checked against previous submissions for duplication. If caught, you will be charged.

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