CSCI 165: Introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web

Summer 2024 (S2), CC

Mon/Thur 16:00-17:50;
Wed 16:00-17:50;
Office Hour
Wed 14:00-16:00, RM-544
Please let me know if you are coming
Other times will require appointments
Week 7, Thursday
Links for Assignments and Quizzes can be found in the Curriculum and Slides section.

This course is an elementary introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web. Students will learn the client-server model, Internet protocols, domain names and URLs, websites and Web hosting. They will also learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript and XML. Students will program both in client and server-side environments and develop data-driven Web applications. They will also learn to deploy applications on web hosting servers.

Assignments and Labs Policy

Policy for Late/Re-submission: unless with my prior consent, will not be allowed. I can give you one unconditional late submission/resubmission for up to 7 days from the original due date, but only once. Outside of this, here is a list of NOT-GONNA-WORK excuses:

  1. I have to work / I forgot;
  2. I have too many courses;
  3. I am travelling;
  4. I am not happy with my grade;
  5. My mum doesn’t want me to study.

Policy for Plagiarism in Labs: do not share your code with others. Do not let others copy or mimic your code. You may take inspiration, but any work you do must be original. Failure to comply will result in plagiarism charges.

Textbook and References

Curriculum & Slides

The slides will be uploaded after class. I may also introduce modifications to the curriculum itself as we progress. The exact dates are subject to changes depending on our progress.

Links for Assignments and Labs are also posted here. Please check the column on the righthand side. All Labs/Assignments are due on Sundays by midnight (23:59).

Week 1
Administration and Course Intro (LS0);
Lec 1 The Internet (LS1, LS2)
Week 2
Lec 2 HTML (LS3, LS4)
Week 3
Lec 3 CSS Style Sheets (LS5)
No class on 20 May, Victoria Day 👸
Lab 1 due
Week 4
Lec 4 More CSS (LS6)Lab 2 due
Week 5
Lec 5 Javascript (LS8)
Markdown (LS7)
Lab 3 due
Week 6
Lec 6 More Javascript (LS9)Assignment 1
due 19 June

Week 7
Review for MidtermMidterm
Week 8
Lec 6 More Javascript (LS9)Lab 4 due
Week 9
Lec 7 JQuery (LS10, Link to jQuery)
No class on 1 July, Canada Day 🇨🇦
Lab 5 due
Week 10
Lec 7 Basic HTML 5 Graphics (LS11, LS12)
(Online SVG Editor)
Assignment 2
due 17 July
Week 11
Lec 7 Basic HTML 5 Graphics (LS13, LS14)
Week 12
Lec 8 Server-side Programming (NodeJS) (LS15, LS16)
Week 13
Lec 8 Server-side Programming (NodeJS)Lab 6 due
Week 14



You will need to get at least 50% in the final to pass.

Cheating and Plagiarism Policy

I expect all students to uphold the principle of academic honesty. Cheating and plagiarism (presenting another person’s words or ideas as one’s own) are not acceptable behaviour at anywhere. Depending on the severity of the offence such acts can result in a grade of zero on the test or assignment, a failing grade (F) in the course, or expulsion. In all cases, the circumstances and the penalty are recorded in the student’s file.

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