Lecture 2 deals mainly with Boolean Algebra, the theoretical arsenal for circuit design. In Lecture 3, we will learn more practical design procedures, as well as functional blocks.
LS9 Part 1 (Lecture): Systematic Designing Procedures, Curtain Controller Example
- 5 Step Systematic Designing Procedures
- Specification: (Provided, includes I/O ports and description in human language of the system)
- Formulation: transform spec into Truth Table or simple Boolean Expressions
- Optimisation: transform what you have in formulation into simplest forms (usually in boolean expressions, or later, functional blocks), so that it requires less gates and components in general to implement
- Technology Mapping:
- Technology: physical components you can use to implement, so far that includes gates and I/O devices (in LogicWorks, Binary Switch and Prob)
- Mapping: use available technology to implement your circuit
- Verification: test to see if your circuit meets the specification, or else go to debugging
LS9 Part 2: Curtain Motor Controller Example in LogicWorks
- Steps
- Do the I/O ports using binary switches and probs
- Do the names of I/O ports according to your optimised boolean expressions
- Start from the easiest connections, utilise the available technology and proceed gradually to the output
- Test connections by clicking the wires always
- Test the overall circuit (perform Verification essentially)
LS10 Part 1: BCD-to-7-Segment-Display Example (Lecture + Tutorial)
- LogicWorks components
- Hex Keyboard (use the one without STB port)
- 7 Segment Display
- AND/OR gates with more than 2 inputs (and some of them inverted)
LS10 Part 2: Custom Components out of Existing Design (Tutorial)
- How to create a custom part
- New Device Symbol
- Options -> Sub-circuit and Part Type
- Create sub-circuit symbol and select an open circuit to attach to it
- Draw the box, and pins
- Give it a name
- Create your own library
- Save the component in your library
- Reward yourself some ice cream🍦
LS10 Part 3: Hierarchical Design, 4-bit Equity Comparator (Lecture + Tutorial)
- Hierarchical Design
- Divide and Conquer: break up a difficult problem into easier smaller problems, and solve
- Functional Blocks: a complete circuit in its own right, that you can easily reuse just like gates in other designs.
- In hierarchical designs, you can implement blocks functional blocks that are easier to do to save time
- Each block should also be defined using 5-step designing procedures
- Functional blocks are considered technology in Step4 of Systematic Designing Procedures
LS10 Part 4: Few words on Tech Mapping & Auto Verification (Lecture)
- Technology Mapping
- Replacing everything with NAND and Inverters
- FPGA: Field Programmable Gating Array
- Programmable circuit boards
- You write the circuit in Hardware Description Language, then upload to the board. The board will then work like your designed circuit
- Not a von Neumann Computer
- Verification
- Manual & Auto: the latter uses computer assisted stuff
LS11 Part 1: Elementary Functional Blocks (Lecture)
- Elementary Functional Blocks
- Value Fixing: provide constant values of 0 and 1 to a wire
- Value Transferring: provide the value of one wire to another
- Inverting: NOT gate operation
- Vector denotation: bus formulation (also called breakouts in LogicWorks)
- Enabler: if EN signal is 1, works just like transferring for input X; if EN is 0, always output 0.
LS11 Part 2: Elementary Functional Blocks (Tutorial)
- Implementing Elementary Functional Blocks
- Value Fixing: use +5V for constant 1, digital ground for 0
- Value Transferring: connect the wire, that’s it
- Inverting: use the NOT gate
- Vector denotation: use breakouts(busses) in LogicWorks, the thicker wire is used for connecting these busses
- Enabler: an AND gate with input EN and X, outputs F
LS11 Part 3: 1-to-2 and 2-to-4 Decoders (Lecture + Tutorial)
- 1-to-2 Decoder, and its implementation in logicworks
- 2-to-4 Decoder, and its implementation in logicworks
- Using standard gates etc.
- Using hierarchical design, with 1-to-2 decoder
- Using 1-to-2 decoder and busses
- It is very important that you try to implement these on your own as well. Remember to create them in your library.
LS11 Part 4: 3-to-8 and 4-to-16 Decoders (Lecture + Tutorial)
- 3-to-8 Decoder
- Using 2-to-4 Decoder, and busses
- 4-to-16 Decoder:
- Incremental design: use 3-to-8 decoder, and busses
- Recursive design: use (4/2 = 2)-to-4 decoder(s), and busses
LS11 Part 5: 1-bit Binary Adder using Decoder (Lecture + Tutorial)
- 1-bit Binary Adder
- Input (all 1 bit): X (addend), Y (augend), Z (previous carry)
- Output (all 1bit): S (sum), C (next carry)
- Use Sum-of-Minterm and decoder to implement with ease, and save as a component in your LogicWorks Library
LS12: Enabler & Priority Enabler; Multiplexers
- Enabler: reverse function of decoders
- Problem: Invalid input leads to problems, including all 0 inputs and multiple 1s in the input
- Priority Enabler:
- Additional validity bit, equals 1 if input contains 1
- Priority:
- Multiplexer
- Switching between multiple channels
- Each channel can have N-bits
- Switch signal (S) controls which input channel to output
- M-Channel N-bit Multiplexer can be designed using N x M-Channel 1-bit Multiplexers
LS13: Full Adders (Lecture + Tutorial)
- 1-bit Half Adder
- 1-bit Full Adder using Half Adders
- Hierarchical design
- Simpler than using decoder
- n-bit Full Adder
- Ripple Carry Adder using 1-bit Full Adders
LS14: Subtractors: Unsigned Binary Subtractor I (Lecture + Tutorial)
- Standard Unsigned Subtractor: X – Y, X >= Y
- 1-bit Subtractor using decoder
- n-bit Subtractor using 1-bit Subtractors
LS15 Part 1: Unsigned 2s Complement, Adder-Subtractor (Lecture + Tutorial)
- Unsigned 2s Complementer
- Given n-bit binary integer (unsigned) D
- the unsigned 2s complement of D:
- the unsigned 2s complement of D is equal to, bitwise invert of D plus 1
- Correcting X-Y when Y > X
- If the borrow bit output of your subtractor is 1, excessive values are not correctly subtracted from X, you need correction
- Correct output: negative unsigned 2s complement of output D
- Design a selective 2s complementer using Adder and XOR, plug into the subtractor
- Adder-Subtractor Unit
- Input vectors X, Y, Mode selector Subtract/notAdd
- Output vector D
- Mode Selector is 0, output X+Y
- Mode Selector is 1, output X-Y
- Use 2channel 4bit Multiplexer (4bit 2-to-1 Multiplexer) to implement
LS15 Part 2: Subtraction using Adder
- Subtraction using unsigned 2s complement
- 2s comp of Y = 2^n – Y
- X – Y = X + (2^n – Y) – 2^n = X + Y’ – 2^n
- 2^n can be ignored because it is beyond n-bit
- Revised simpler Adder-Subtractor
- XOR and Sub/notAdd input toggles between Y and Y’
- Output X + Y when Sub/notAdd = 0
- Output X + notY + 1 = X – Y when Sub/notAdd = 1
LS16: Overflow, Signed Arithmetics, Other Functions
- Overflow, definition and how to use carry/borrow bit to detect
- Signed 2s Complement
- For signed integers only
- For positive, no change
- For negative, do NOT change the sign bit, all magnitude bits inverted and plus 1
- Signed Arithmetics (addition and subtraction Only)
- Step 1: Convert both signed numbers to signed 2s complement
- Step 2: Perform addition and subtraction using unsigned components
- Step 3: Convert result back using signed 2s complement
- Others
- Increment/Decrement
- Multiplier/Divisor by constant
- Others: extensions etc.