CSCI 120: Introduction to CompSci and Programming I

Summer 2023 (S2), CC

MT 12:00-13:50, W 12:00-12:50
Room 420 (Main Campus)
Office Hour
Appointment required, fixed available hours:
Wed 09:00-10:00, 12:00-13:00 Room 544; 
Online and other time slots may be available
2: 6 July 2023
11 Aug 2023, 13:00, Room 420
Links for Assignments and Quizzes can be found in the Curriculum and Slides section.

This course is an introduction to computing science and program design, suitable for students with little or no programming background. Students will learn fundamental concepts and terminology of computing science, acquire introductory skills for programming in a high-level language, and be introduced to the diverse fields and applications of computing science.

Recommended Python IDE:

Recommended Python IDE2:

Recommended command line editor:

Textbook and References

  • Python for Everyone, 2nd Edition by Cay S. Horstmann, Rance D. Necaise Wiley 2016-10-03 ISBN-10: 1119056551 ISBN-13: 9781119056553
  • How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python, Peter Wentworth, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers 3rd Edition (last updated 10/6/12)

Video Tutorials

Curriculum & Slides

The slides will be uploaded after class. I may also introduce modifications to the curriculum itself as we progress.

Links for Assignments and Exams are also posted here. Please check the column on the righthand side.

Online Judge System:

For registration on the OJ, you must communicate directly with me.

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Ch 6 Dict (LS11)
Files and Exceptions (LS13, LS14)
Lab 7; Lab 8;
Week 9
Ch 7 Algorithm I: Recursion (LS15)
Midterm2 (Online, OJ);
Week 10
Ch 7 Algorithm II: Searching (LS16)
Lab 9;
Week 11
Ch 9: Objects, classes (LS17)Lab 10;
Week 12
Ch 9: Objects, classes (LS18)Lab 11;
Week 13
Reviews (LS19)
Final (Online, OJ)


Labs & Assignments30%

You will need to get at least 50% in the final to pass.

Cheating and Plagiarism Policy

I expect all students to uphold the principle of academic honesty. Cheating and plagiarism (presenting another person’s words or ideas as one’s own) are not acceptable behaviour at anywhere. Depending on the severity of the offence such acts can result in a grade of zero on the test or assignment, a failing grade (F) in the course, or expulsion. In all cases, the circumstances and the penalty are recorded in the student’s file.

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