Shakespeare 3
Submit solution
C++, Python3
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Allowed languages
In this task, you will need to generate some code.
Shakespeare's English spelling is noticeably different from your standard English from 2021. We've provided you with a list of words alongside their contemporary version here.
Your job is simple: given an input sentence in Shakespeare's English, replace the words that are spelled differently from our English with the correct word from dict.txt, and output it.
Hint: use python's file to write a script that transforms dict.txt
, and use that to write your code.
Input Specification
The first line will contain a single integer \(N\) (\(1 < N < 100\)), which is the number of test cases.
The next \(N\) lines will each contain a lowercase sentence from Hamlet.
Output Specification
\(N\) lines: the modernised version.
Sample Input 1
my father , me thinkes i see my father
hor . as thou art to thy selfe ,
ham . i am glad of it : a knauish speech sleepes in a
you told vs of some suite . what is ' t laertes ?
i haue beene in continuall practice ; i shall winne at the
Sample Output 1
my father , me methinks i see my father
hor . as thou' art to thy self ,
ham . i am glad of it : a knavish speech sleeps in a
your told vs of some suit . what is ' t laertes ?
i have been in continual practice ; i shall win at th