vs us centinels sentinels liue live vpon upon houre hour strook struck twelue twelve releefe relief thankes thanks sicke sick haue have riuals rivals hast haste leigemen liegemen giue give farwel farewell relieud relieved peece piece seene seen saies says fantasie fantasy beleefe belief intreated entreated againe again approue approve speake speak appeare appear downe down assaile assail eares ears heare hear starre star breake break looke look scholler scholar lookes looks marke mark harrowes harrows too to vsurpst usurpest faire fair forme form maiesty majesty denmarke denmark heauen heaven stalkes stalks then than thinke think beleeue believe auouch avouch owne own frownd frowned smot smote pollax poleaxe martiall martial stalke stalk grosse gross boades bodes erruption eruption knowes knows obseruant observant toyles toils subiect subject dayly daily brazon brazen forraigne foreign warre war impresse impress taske task dos does diuide divide weeke week ioyntlabourer jointlabourer informe inform euen even appeard appeared prickd pricked seald sealed heraldrie heraldry forfeite forfeit those these seizd seised moity moiety returnd returned counant covenant designe designed vnimproued unimproved heere here sharkd sharked landlesse lawless foode food enterprize enterprise stomacke stomach vnto unto recouer recover termes terms compulsatiue compulsatory maine main motiue motive sourse source cheefe chief posthast posthaste loe lo ile ill crosse cross vse use voyce voice priuy privy countries countrys auoyd avoid vphoorded uphoarded wombe womb walke walk maiesticall majestical shew show vaine vain blowes blows cocke cock fearfull fearful throate throat heerein herein obiect object sayes says euer ever sauiours saviours wholsome wholesome faiery fairy talkes takes charme charm hallowd hallowed morne morn walkes walks aduice advice yong young dumbe dumb needfull heedful loues loves let lets finde find conueniently conveniently deere dear greene green beare bear greefe grief kingdome kingdom farre far sometimes sometime ioy joy funerall funeral equall equal barrd barred wisedomes wisdoms affaire affair followes follows weake weak supposall supposal disioynt disjoint dreame dream aduantage advantage fayld failed bonds bawds businesse business scarsely scarcely heares hears leuies levies bearing bearers giuing giving personall personal dilated delated newes news suite suit loose lose natiue native instrumentall instrumental leaue leave fauour favour returne return confesse confesst towards toward lesse less kinde kind nightly nighted veyled vailed seeke seek knowst knowest liues lives dye die seemes seems cloake cloak suites suits solemne solemn blacke black forcd forced fruitfull fruitful riuer river deiected dejected hauiour haviour formes forms shewes shows griefe grief seeme seem suruiuer survivor filiall filial terme term perseuer persever stubbornnesse stubbornness vnmanly unmanly vnfortified unfortified minde mind vnderstanding understanding vnschoold unschooled sence sense peeuish peevish fye fie theame theme vnpreuayling unprevailing loue love deerest dearest beares bears sonne son backe back schoole school remaine remain cheere cheer cheefest chiefest cosin cousin louing loving vnforcd unforced clowds clouds rouce rouse heauens heavens bruite brute euerlasting everlasting vnprofitable unprofitable vses uses growes grows hiperion hyperion satyre satyr beteene beteem windes winds encrease increase growne grown shooes shoes poore poor moneth month vnrighteous unrighteous teares tears gauled galled haile hail wittemberge wittenberg doe do eare ear elsenour elsinore weel well drinke drink deepe deep thinkes methinks deliuer deliver witnesse witness maruell marvel wast waste beene been encountred encountered appeares appears sollemne solemn walkt walked opprest oppressed fearesurprized fearsurprised ielly jelly feare fear dreadfull dreadful secrecie secrecy platforme platform watcht watch addresse address lowd loud shrunke shrunk vanisht vanished honourd honoured armd armed foote foot beauer beaver lookt looked amazd amazed staid stayed siluerd silvered night tonight conceald concealed bee be eleuen eleven armes arms foule foul soule soul orewhelm oerwhelm eies eyes imbarkt embarked conuoy convoy sleepe sleep ophel ophelia fauours favours bloud blood froward forward cressant crescent thewes thews bulke bulk his this seruice service withall withal soyle soil cautell cautel besmerch besmirch vertue virtue greatnesse greatness weighd weighed hee he himselfe himself vnuallued unvalued carue carve choyce choice weole whole circumscribd circumscribed yeelding yielding wisedome wisdom losse loss sustaine sustain chast chaste vnmastred unmastered deare dear prodigall prodigal vnmaske unmask moone moon disclosd disclosed watchmen watchman vngracious ungracious steepe steep whilst whiles recklesse reckless reaks recks reade rede aboord aboard winde wind saile sail vnproportiond unproportioned meanes means tride tried hoopes hoops steele steel palme palm vnfledgd unfledged comrade courage quarrell quarrel euery every reserue reserve iudgement judgement exprest expressed fancie fancy apparell apparel proclaimes proclaims ranck rank cheff chief aboue above selfe self inuites invites goe go seruants servants lockt locked somthing something behoues behoves betweene between girle girl vnsifted unsifted perillous perilous importund importuned burnes burns vowes vows heate heat parley parle giuen given broakers brokers eye dye inuestments investments meere mere vnholy unholy sutes suits plaine plain tearmes terms talke talk toot tot wayes ways hower hour strooke struck drawes draws neere near meane mean keepes keeps wassels wassail vpspring upspring reeles reels dreines drains renish rhenish horat horatio custome custom borne bore obseruance observance damnd damned ayres airs comst comest canonizd canonized cerments cerements sepulcher sepulchre opd oped iawes jaws coarse corse compleat complete reuisits revisits hidious hideous fooles fools thee the soules souls wafts waves remoued removed waues waves floud flood cliffe cliff assumes assume depriue deprive soueraignty sovereignty madnesse madness hand hands ruld ruled artire artere nemian nemean nerue nerve vnhand unhand heaun heaven pitty pity vnfold unfold reuenge revenge doomd doomed certaine certain confind confined fiers fires dayes days purgd purged starres stars knotty knotted haire hair quilles quills fretfull fretful eternall eternal blason blazon vnnaturall unnatural murther murder sweepe sweep weede weed stirre stir processe process abusd abused weares wears crowne crown propheticke prophetic vncle uncle this thus shamefull shameful naturall natural neuer never wil will moued moved lewdnesse lewdness angell angel linkd linked briefe brief alwayes always afternoone afternoon iuyce juice hebenon hebona violl vial poure pour leaperous leperous quicksiluer quicksilver allies alleys milke milk queene queen dispatcht dispatched blossomes blossoms sinne sin vnhouzzled unhouseled vnnaneld unaneled royall royal howsoeuer howsomever pursuest pursues contriue contrive ought aught thornes thorns bosome bosom pricke prick glowworme glowworm showes shows matine matin vneffectuall uneffectual els else sinnewes sinews stiffely stiffly while whiles seate seat triuiall trivial sawes saws bookes books presures pressures obseruation observation coppied copied booke book braine brain villaine villain vnckle uncle istt ist hat what wonderfull wonderful youl youll hees hes knaue knave busines business desires desire hurling whirling oremastert oermastert schollers scholars marcell marcellus sworne sworn sweare swear sayest sayst one on selleredge cellarage vbique ubique grownd ground worke work pioner pioneer remoue remove our your helpe help heereafter hereafter time times doubtfull doubtful expresse express lacke lack lippes lips ioynt joint reynoldo reynaldo visite visit inquiry inquire behauiour behaviour enquire inquire keepe keep expence expense encompassement encompassment neerer never wilde wild vsuall usual knowne known drabbiug drabbing scandall scandal incontinencie incontinency breath breathe outbreake outbreak sauagenes savageness vnreclaimd unreclaimed generall general heeres heres belieue believe sulleyes sullies soild soiled conuerse converse hauing having assurd assured oretooke oertook tennis tennis’ brothell brothel falshood falsehood windlesses windlasses assaies assays plye ply musicke music sowing sewing vnbracd unbraced fould fouled pitious piteous tooke took arme arm fals falls perusall perusal wauing waving raisd raised pittious piteous ouer over shoulders shoulder turnd turned seemd seemed vndertakings undertakings vnder under sorrie sorry repell repel accesse access speed heed wracke wrack iealousie jealousy yonger younger moue move vtter utter rosincrance rosencrantz guildensterne guildenstern moreouer moreover neede need prouoke provoke hastie hasty intreat entreat neighbourd neighboured occasions occasion gleane glean opend opened remedie remedy talkd talked liuing living gentrie gentry receiue receive maiesties majesties soueraigne sovereign entreatie entreaty seruices service feete feet practises practices helpfull helpful ioyfully joyfully dutie duty traile trail policie policy lunacie lunacy sonnes sons orehasty oerhasty voltumand voltemand norwey norway suppresse suppress nephewes nephews poleak polack lookd looked highnesse highness greeued grieved sicknesse sickness breefe brief obeyes obeys receiues receives vnkle uncle ouercome overcome giues gives crownes crowns annuall annual imploy employ leuied levied intreaty entreaty shewne shown passe pass considerd considered maiestie majesty breuitie brevity tediousnesse tediousness limbes limbs remaines remains defectiue defective celestiall celestial idoll idol beautifed beautified vilde vile these this faithfull faithful sunne sun lier liar euermore evermore shewd shown soliciting solicitings receiud received wold would faine fain proue prove perceiued perceived playd played deske desk tablebooke tablebook mistris mistress bespeake bespeak precepts prescripts gaue gave fruites fruits repulsed repelled sadnesse sadness weaknesse weakness lightnesse lightness whereon wherein raues raves likely like proud proved leade lead indeede indeed center centre behinde behind falne fallen farme farm yare are pickd picked magots maggots dogge dog suffred suffered extreamity extremity satyricall satirical gray grey thicke thick gumme gum plentifull plentiful locke lock holde hold graue grave saue save rosincrane rosencrantz ouerhappy overhappy soales soles shoo shoe waste waist priuates privates doomesday doomsday deserued deserved dreames dreams meerely merely truely truly ayry airy shadowes shadows beggers beggars outstretcht outstretched wee we fey fay elsonower elsinore begger beggar thanke thank halfepeny halfpenny iustly justly color colour mee me coniure conjures euerpreserued everpreserved preuent prevent discouery discovery secricie secrecy exercise exercises heauenly heavenly sterrill sterile faculty faculties mouing moving parragon paragon stuffe stuff lenton lenten coated coted comming coming aduenturous adventurous shal shall foyle foil louer lover clowne clown tickled tickle ath oth blanke blank innouation innovation followd followed indeauour endeavour ayrie eyrie yases eyases crye cry affraide afraid goosequils goosequills scarse scarce controuersie controversy mony money vnlesse unless cuffes cuffs braines brains boyes boys mowes mows ducates ducats philosophie philosophy welcom welcome garbe garb fairely fairly outward outwards hawke hawk swathing swaddling childe child prophesie prophesy buzze buzz tragedie tragedy comedie comedy historie history pastorall pastoral pastoricallcomicall pastoralcomical historicallpastorall historicalpastoral tragicallhistoricall tragicalhistorical tragicallcomicallhistoricallpastorall tragicalcomicalhistoricalpastoral indiuidible individable vnlimited unlimited heauy heavy onely only iudge judge loued loved well well’ wot wot’ was was’ rowe row abridgements abridgement come comes choppine chopine vncurrant uncurrent faulconers falconers tast taste pleasd pleased cauiarie caviary scoenes scenes modestie modesty sauouty savoury indite indict cheefely chiefly where wheer the th smeard smeared dismall dismal bakd baked murthers murder oresized oersized olde old seekes seeks’ findes finds greekes greeks anticke antique lyes lies falles falls vnequall unequal match matched driues drives whiffe whiff feele feel stoopes stoops bace base milkie milky reuerend reverend sticke stick newtrall neutral storme storm racke rack speechlesse speechless orbe orb rowsed roused aworke awork fallies fellies wheele wheel boule bowl naue nave fiends fiends’ prythee prithee baudry bawdry sleepes sleeps inobled mobled rheume rheum lanke lank oreteamed oerteemed loines loins venome venom steepd steeped pronouncd pronounced themselues themselves mortall mortal milche milch gods god bestowd bestowed abstracts abstract liued lived desart desert honor honour deserue deserve bountie bounty dosen dozen sixteene sixteen pesant peasant slaue slave fixion fiction weepe weep drowne drown cleaue cleave apale appal muddymetled muddymettled rascall rascal peake peak defeate defeat calles calls breakes breaks acrosse across pluckes plucks pigeonliuerd pigeonlivered remorselesse remorseless letcherous lecherous kindles kindless vnpacke unpack scullion stallion vpont upont scoene scene proclaimd proclaimed myraculous miraculous obserue observe quicke quick melancholly melancholy damne damn relatiue relative feeles feels aloofe aloof orewrought oerraught beseechd beseeched intreate entreat inclind inclined there their frankely frankly behaued behaved wildenesse wildness vertues virtues honors honours lonelinesse loneliness deuotions devotions cheeke cheek plaistring plastering vgly ugly helpes helps deede deed burthen burden arrowes arrows outragious outrageous heartake heartache shockes shocks heyre heir shuffleld shuffled coile coil pawse pause scornes scorns lawes laws spurnes spurns vnworthy unworthy vndiscouered undiscovered countrey country traueller traveller returnes returns puzels puzzles illes ills flye fly enterprizes enterprises pith pitch currants currents turne turn away awry sinnes sins remembred remembered redeliuer redeliver honord honoured composd composed giuers givers vnkinde unkind beautie beauty comerce commerce honestie honesty trulie truly transforme transform likenesse likeness proofe proof beleeued believed innocculate inoculate stocke stock rellish relish deceiued deceived nunnerie nunnery prowd proud reuengefull revengeful becke beck acte act fellowes fellows knaues knaves doores doors doest dost dowrie dowry farwell farewell pratlings paintings wel well lispe lisp wantonnesse wantonness marriages marriage orethrowne oerthrown glasse glass deiect deject suckd sucked honie honey bels bells iangled jangled vnmatchd unmatched blowne blown lackd lacked obiects objects expell expel saide said greefes griefs placd placed vnwatchd unwatched verie very smoothnesse smoothness perywigpated periwigpated teare tear ragges rags capeable capable auoid avoid neyther neither speciall special ouerdone overdone twer twere mirrour mirror scorne scorn bodie body tardie tardy vnskilfull unskilful iudicious judicious greeue grieve theater theatre prophanely profanely iouerneymen journeymen abhominably abominably reformd reformed reforme reform clownes clowns quantitie quantity villanous villainous hoa ho eene een iust just conuersation conversation coapd coped aduancement advancement reuennew revenue cloath clothe shold should flatterd flattered pompe pomp crooke crook hindges hinges faining fawning choyse choice comingled commeddled weare wear stythe stithy riuet rivet iudgements judgements steale steal camelions chameleons eate eat promisecrammd promisecrammed iulius julius casar caesar killd killed capitall capital calfe calf mettle metal attractiue attractive ladie lady lye lie merrie merry iiggemaker jigmaker cheerefully cheerfully dyed died houres hours moneths months byrlady lady builde build hobyhorsse hobbyhorse layes lies banke bank asleepe asleep leaues leaves andmakes makes poysoner poisoner seeming seem malicho mallecho mischeefe mischief counsell counsel theyl they ashamd ashamed heel hell clemencie clemency begge beg patientlie patiently thirtie thirty gon gone moones moons sheene sheen vnite unite comutuall commutual iournies journeys holds hold sizd sized beloud beloved brest breast accurst accursed memorie memory validitie validity fruite fruit vnripe unripe stickes sticks vnshaken unshaken other either ennactors enactures reuels revels ioyes joys greeues grieves fauourites favourite aduancd advanced frend friend enemie enemy willes wills deuices devices ouerthrowne overthrown blankes blanks widdow widow rocke rock twaine twain sheel shell iest jest poyson poison galld galled iade jade winch wince vnrung unwrung keene keen rauen raven ranke ranker magicke magic propertie property vsurpe usurps murtherer murderer vngalled ungalled runnes runs halfe half realme realm perceiue perceive poysoning poisoning perdie perdy retyrement retirement maruellous marvellous distemperd distempered signifie signify wildely wildly affayre affair courtesie courtesy answere answer diseasd diseased answers answer behauior behaviour astonish stonish sequell sequel heeles heels closset closet barre bar doore door libertie liberty recorder recorders driue drive toyle toil vnmannerly unmannerly vnderstand understand finger fingers thumbe thumb stoppes stops vtterance utterance hermony harmony mysterie mystery compasse compass organe organ plaid played blesse bless clowd cloud camell camel backd backed weazell weasel firme firm cruell cruel someuer somever seales seals holie holy feede feed cease cess gulfe gulf massie massy spoakes spokes mortizd mortised adioynd adjoined pettie petty boystrous boisterous ruine ruin sighe sigh grone groan speedie speedy meete meet partiall partial oreheare oerhear smels smells primall primal sharpe sharp raine rain serues serves pardond pardoned possest possessed shoue shove iustice justice buyes buys euidence evidence strugling struggling ingagd engaged stubborne stubborn sinewes sinews newborne newborn praying apraying doot dot reuengd revenged scannd scanned killes kills hyre hire sallery salary grossely grossly fresh flush seasond seasoned drunke drunk swearing aswearing kicke kick aud and stayes stays physicke physic prankes pranks screend screened stoode stood boudge budge ducate ducat slaine slain marrie marry foole fool betters better bulwarke bulwark darst darest blurres blurs cals calls oathes oaths sweete sweet masse mass tristfull tristful doome doom thoughtsicke thoughtsick aye ay roares roars counterfet counterfeit curles curls mercurie mercury seale seal mildewd mildewed wholsom wholesome mountaine mountain moore moor waites waits cousend cozened hoodmanblinde hoodmanblind waxe wax proclaime proclaim compulsiue compulsive ardure ardour turnst turnest stewd stewed honying honeying patt part tythe tithe shelfe shelf houer hover lapst lapsed workes works corporall incorporal peepe peep coole cool conioynd conjoined least lest pitteous piteous conuert convert sterne stern who whom habite habit portall portal coynage coinage bodilesse bodiless healthfull healthful vttered uttered gamboll gambol vnction unction trespasse trespass speakes speaks filme film vlcerous ulcerous spred spread weedes weeds forgiue forgive fatnesse fatness pursie pursy courb curb woe woo vnkles uncles easinesse easiness blunt bloat paire pair reechie reechy padling paddling necke neck rauell ravel made mad paddocke paddock gibbe gib despight despite vnpegge unpeg creepe creep alacke alack lugge lug neighbor neighbour roome room seas sea lawlesse lawless vnseene unseen laide laid prouidence providence restraind restrained lets let oare ore minerall mineral mettels metals mountaines mountains mother brother clossets closet dragd dragged chappell chapel kinne kin spundge sponge sokes soaks needes needs gleand gleaned knauish knavish releeued relieved befalne befallen progresse progress staires stairs deerely dearly barke bark readie ready knewst knewest cherube cherub coniuring congruing hecticke hectic captaine captain license licence claimes craves conueyance conveyance promisd promised rendeuous rendezvous moode mood pittied pitied enuiously enviously strawes straws vnshaped unshaped winkes winks yeeld yield vnhappily unhappily amisse amiss artlesse artless staffe staff shoone shoon grassegreene grassgreen turfe turf trueloue truelove showres showers owle owl aske ask morrow tomorrow wed wed’ and an should would sorrowes sorrows comes come battaliaes battalions vnwholsome unwholesome persons person arraigne arraign noyse noise ouerpeering overpeering eates eats impittious impiteous orebeares oerbears king king’ dogges dogs calmely calmly vnsmirched unsmirched brow brows gyantlike giantlike diuinity divinity incenst incensed iuggeld juggled allegeance allegiance world worlds certaintie certainty soopstake swoopstake looser loser liferendring liferendering politician pelican guiltlesse guiltless sensible sensibly leuell level seuen seven burne burn payed paid waight weight turnes turns beame beam doue dove perswade persuade adownea adowna’ remembraunce remembrance fennell fennel thers theres witherd withered prettinesse prettiness pole poll common commune colaterall collateral touchd touched ioyntly jointly trophee trophy call callt saylor sailors andt ant ouerlookd overlooked pyrate pirate warlicke warlike chace chase tooslow slow cleare clear shippe ship feates feats crimefull criminal stirrd stirred vnsinnowed unsinewed moues moves publike public gyues gyves timbred timbered reuerted reverted driuen driven shooke shook saylors sailors kin king alone alone’ warmes warms diddest didest thou thou’ orerule oerrule vndertake undertake exployt exploit deuice device vncharge uncharge serud served ran can horsebacke horseback into unto encorpst incorpsed demynaturd deminatured braue brave trickes tricks lamound lamord mad made especially especial cryed cried enuy envy sparke spark sancturize sanctuarize remisse remiss contriuing contriving foiles foils vnbaited unbated requit requite annoint anoint mountebanke mountebank dipt dip cataplasme cataplasm scratcht scratched conuenience convenience faile fail assaid assayed proiect project challice chalice venomd venomed heele heel drownd drowned aslant askant brooke brook glassie glassy streame stream daysies daisies liberall liberal shepheards shepherds pendant pendent boughes boughs coronet crownet clambring clambering enuious envious sliuer sliver cloathes clothes chaunted chanted distresse distress tricke trick calme calm buriall burial sate sat deluer delver himsele himself drownes drowns argall argal shee she folke folk gardiners gardeners grauemakers gravemakers digge dig outliues outlives gallowes gallows vnyoake unyoke cudgell cudgel asse ass stoupe stoup grauemaking gravemaking imployment employment scull skull caines cains iawbone jawbone polititian politician could would circumuent circumvent lord lord’ wormes worms chaplesse chopless knockt knocked mazard mazzard reuolution revolution loggets loggats pickhaxe pickaxe quiddits quiddities knocke knock shouell shovel recoueries recoveries recouery recovery conueyances conveyances boxe box iot jot sheepskinnes sheepskins sheepe sheep calues calves graues graves lyest liest shees shes carde card equiuocation equivocation vndoe undo yeares years yeare year orecame overcame loosing losing ifaith faith horson whoreson pestlence pestilence pourd poured flaggon flagon lipps lips iibes gibes gambals gambols chopfalne chopfallen ladies ladys puh pah thether thither likeliehood likelihood conuerted converted imperiall imperious disperate desperate cerimony ceremony inlargd enlarged warrantis warranty oreswaies oersways vnsanctified unsanctified lodgd lodged praier prayers shardes shards peebles pebbles throwne thrown prophane profane vnpolluted unpolluted ministring ministering hopd hoped deckt decked thaue have strewd strewed terrible treble woer woe griefes grief wandring wandering deuill devil praist prayest spleenatiue splenitive vppon upon vntill until eielids eyelids fortie forty summe sum forbeare forbear thoult thout sindging singeing cuplet couplets you your paule pall seagowne seagown scarft scarfed darke dark gropd groped fingerd fingered feares fears vnseale unseal seuerall several reason reasons hoo ho bugges bugs superuize supervise leasure leisure shoud should leysure leisure villaines villainies deuisd devised basenesse baseness effects effect coniuration conjuration tweene tween shriuing shriving ordinate ordinant modell model subscribd subscribed plact placed bath hath whord whored euill evil count court brauery bravery towring towering waterflie waterfly messe mess chowgh chough saw say bonet bonnet soultry sultry sixe six assignes assigns responsiue responsive germaine germane imediate immediate tryall trial foyles foils had has beauy bevy drossie drossy tryalls trial continuall continual winne win oddes odds gaingiuing gaingiving repaire repair defie defy theres there readinesse readiness punisht punished wrongd wronged purposd purposed president precedent vngorgd ungored offerd offered foile foil mocke mock betterd bettered osricke osrick stopes stoups ordinance ordnance vnion union foure four successiue successive trumpets trumpet drinkes drinks hamlet hamlet’ iudges judges carowses carouses poysond poisoned thinket thinkt affeard afeard incensd incensed woodcocke woodcock sprindge springe treacherie treachery sounds swounds bleede bleed villany villainy how ho lockd locked vnbated unbated envenomd envenomed practise practice tempred tempered forgiuenesse forgiveness adiew adieu liust livest causes cause right aright vnsatisfied unsatisfied antike antique good god felicitie felicity paine pain storie story rhis this volly volley orecrowes oercrows cracke cracks goodnight night drumme drum hauocke havoc shoote shoot affaires affairs senselesse senseless fulfilld fulfilled iumpe jump bloodie bloody polake polack warres wars arriued arrived carnall carnal bloudie bloody accidentall accidental casuall casual vpshot upshot mistooke mistook inuentors inventors performd performed captaines captains souldiours soldiers lowdly loudly amis amiss souldiers soldiers ordenance ordnance