[CSCI150] Lecture 4: Sequential Circuits Design

In Lecture 4, we will start with sequential circuit designs which includes storage units.

LS19 (Lecture): What is Sequential Circuit? SR Latch, notSnotR Latch, D Latch


  • Sequential Circuit
    • Storage unit: can be used to store partial input, user information, instructions, etc.
    • Information stored in the storage unit: states
    • Gives ability to process variable length input and store data in general
    • Synchronous vs Asynchronous:
      • Clock: at every CLK tick, storage unit is updated with new states while outputting previous state.
      • Synchronous: all storage unit share one Clock unit (this lecture)
      • Asynchronous: no CLK or more than 1 CLK (not covered in this course)
  • Latches
    • Basic information storage unit, maintains internal states indefinitely unless given inputs to change it
    • SR Latch: to change internal state to 1, change the Set port to 1; to change internal state to 0, change the reset port to 1. Set and Reset cannot both be 1, something unpredictable will happen
    • notSnotR Latch: to change internal state to 1, change the Set port to 0; to change internal state to 0, change the reset port to 0. Set and Reset cannot both be 0, something unpredictable will happen
    • D Latch: safer than SR and notSnotR: no unpredictable state. C port controls whether to take in new internal state value from D.

LS20 (Lecture): Flip-Flops, SR Master-Slave and D Flip-Flop


  • Transparency: you can see the input from the output, when C is active. This is undesirable for stability
  • SR Latch with Control pin: additional enabling circuit on the input side
  • SR Master-Slave Flip-Flop
  • D Flip-Flop

LS21 (Lecture + Tutorial): State Table, State Diagram


  • State Table
    • Similar to Truth Table, Input + Present state on the left, Output + Next state on the right
  • State Diagram
    • Models state transition
    • State bubbles: one for each state
    • Transition: link from one to another state bubble
    • Transition condition and output as binary values on next to each transition link

LS22 (Lecture + Tutorial): D Flip-Flop with Reset, 8 Step Designing Procedure, Formulation


  • Reset stage: asynchronous and synchronous reset
  • Design an asynchronous reset D flip flop. I find this easier to use to LogicWork simulation
  • 8 step designing procedure
    • Addition to the 5 step for combinational:
      • Step 1: Spec (Same)
      • Step 2: Formulation
        • State Table and State Diagram instead of truth table
        • Can use variables for states in this step
      • Step 3: State Assignment (Next Video)
      • Step 4: Flip-Flop input equation determination (Next Video)
      • Step 5: Output equation determination (Next Video)
      • Step 6: Optimisation (Same)
      • Step 7: Tech mapping (Same)
      • Step 8: Verification (Same)

LS23 (Lecture): Step 3-5 of 8-Step designing procedures; T and JK Flip Flop


  • Step 3: State Assignment
    • No unique solution, we only cover two methods
    • Sequential Assignment
      • given N states, assign binary values of 0 to N-1 sequentially
      • Require log(n) bits
      • e.g. 6 states, require 3 bits: 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101 (or in any other order, all correct but not equivalent)
      • Different order leads to different circuit
    • One-hot Assignment
      • given N states, require N bits
      • Each state is N bit, with only a single positive bit, the reset are zeroes.
      • e.g. 6 states, require 6 bits: 000001, 000010, 000100, 001000, 010000, 100000 (or in any other order, all equivalent)
      • Different order leads to identical circuit
  • Step 4, 5: Flip-Flop input equation determination and Output equation determination
    • From state table: Sum-of-Minterm, then optimise
    • Use unused states as Don’t Care Conditions
  • T and JK Flip-Flop
    • Can be implemented using D Flip-Flops
    • T Flip-Flop
      • Input ports: T, and C
      • Flip internal signal with T is 1
    • JK Flip-Flop
      • Input ports: J, K, and C
      • J for Set, K for Reset, just like SR Flip-Flop
      • Flip internal value with J and K are both 1

LS24 (Lecture): Moore Model/State Machine Diagram


  • State Diagrams (Mealy Model) can be inefficient when you have more input/output bits
  • State Machine Diagrams (Moore Model): Instead of binary values for transitions and output, use Boolean Expressions
    • 3 Steps to go from State Diagrams to Moore model
      • Preserve all state bubbles and transition links
      • Translate binary transition conditions into boolean expressions
      • Note the default output values, then add output conditions on Transition Conditions or States

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